KEYS to Teaching Success: Planning and Instruction for Secondary Educators

Georgia Southern University

by Nancy RemlerJanel SmithHeather ScottNikki Cannon-Rech

KEYS To Teaching Success was created under an ALG Affordable Materials Grant. KEYS is an open textbook aligning with the ten standards required for teacher certification in Georgia. The project team composed, published and piloted two chapters of the textbook, which aligned with Standards 9 (Professionalism) and 10 (Communication). This original work was published in the LibGuides system and was piloted during Fall 2022. In 2024, a Continuous Improvement Grant project added text and activities supporting Standards 1 and 7.

Recent Activity

  • Project Kickoff

    A OpenALG project is born!


  • publisher
    University System of Georgia
  • publisher place
    Athens, GA